A Busy Day of Rest
This year (5768), Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos. How do we address the unique needs of both special days? Tune in to Rabbi Eli Gersten, a Rabbinic Coordinator with OU Kashruth...
Apr 9, 2008
By Rabbi Eli Gersten
Practical Issues in Hilchos Pesach
Rav Yisroel Belsky Rav Hershel Schachter Senior Halachic Consultants, OU Kashruth In this extra-special video, the Orthodox Union’s prominent Poskim, Rav Yisroel Belsky, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah V’Da’as, and Rav...
Mar 28, 2008
By Rav Yisroel Belsky/Rav Herschel Schachter
Why is This Shabbos Different from All Other Shabbosos?
Erev Pesach is always a busy day. Imagine combining it with Shabbos! In 2005, at an OU-RCA Pesach conference, Rabbi Menachem Genack, Rabbinic Administrator and CEO of OU Kashruth, tackled the...
Mar 25, 2008
By Rabbi Menachem Genack
Bread-Buying and Pasta-Purchasing Post-Pesach: Problem or Permitted?
Everyone knows that bread is a strict no-no during Pesach. But what about after Pesach–no problem, right? Wrong! Join Rabbi Yaakov Luban, Executive Rabbinic Coordinator of OU Kashruth, for a thorough...
Mar 18, 2008
By Rabbi Yaakov Luban
The Borders of Egypt
In a few nights we will be sitting around our Seder tables drinking copious amounts of wine or grape juice and eating fragile, dry matzos with a smattering of horseradish or...
Mar 29, 2007
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Pesach Q&A Seminar 2007
In a Pre-Pesach Q&A Rabbis Yoel Schonfeld and David Polsky deal with milk, omega 3, vitamins, coffee, soy milk, non-food items, quinoa, animal food, & more. Recorded at OU World Headquarters...
Mar 28, 2007
By Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld
Could Chometz Be a Problem After Pesach?
The answer is a resounding, “yes.” Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Senior Halachic Consultant for OU Kashruth and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan, discusses the problems with using chometz that was...
Mar 27, 2007
By Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Kosher Vines: A Pre-Pesach Tutorial
A pre-Pesach tutorial – Learn about the kosher wine industry, recent advances, and what’s new (and best) for this year.
Mar 23, 2007
By Lisa Halberstam
Pesach: Judaism’s Most Important Institution Is Not the Synagogue!
If the Synagogue is not Judaism’s most important institution what is? Fifth in a new series on the inner experiences of different days on the Jewish calendar.
Mar 22, 2007
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Wine and Grape Juice for the Four Kosos
There is a dispute among the poskim regarding whether one may use grape juice to fulfill the mitzvah of drinking the 4 cups at the Passover Seder. Presented by Rabbi Menachem...
Mar 22, 2007
By Rabbi Menachem Genack
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