Bittersweet: The Sweetest Marror
When I was growing up, my Zeidy was the king of our Seder. His afikomen was by far the hardest to steal, actually nearly impossible, because he “hid” it in his jacket and...
Mar 25, 2009
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Haroset, Any Style
Like most Ashkenazi Jews I grew up thinking that haroset meant grated apples mixed with ground up walnuts and a little Manischewitz wine. Never mind that we read the Haggadah twice...
Mar 25, 2009
By Ronnie Fein
Passover Dinner and the Bounties of Spring
Listen to Linda’s Food Talk show on! Tonight’s Dinner in Minutes? Grilled Salmon with Olive Tapenade and Roasted Potatoes and Asparagus Grilled salmon with an olive tapenade garnish makes an...
Mar 25, 2009
By OU Staff
Chicken Soup Sinkers
Passover’s just around the corner and in an effort to wrap my head around the enormity of renovating, cause let’s face it, getting rid of every scrap of “chametz” is a...
Mar 25, 2009
By Sarah Arbess
Meatless Menus for Passover
During Passover many of us tend to focus on the Seder dinner but it’s good to plan for the holiday’s other festive meals as well. There are Shabbat dinners, brunches and...
Mar 25, 2009
By Faye Levy
The Seder: Birth of the Chesed Community
Based on a commentary in the new Haggadah, The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening, with the commentary of “the Rav”, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik . Compiled by Rabbi Simon Posner. The birth...
Mar 24, 2009
By Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Korech: The “Matzah Rap”
Hillel read the words of the Torah about the Pesach lamb, “on matzah and bitter herbs you shall eat it,” and he took it literally. And so the sandwich was invented....
Mar 24, 2009
By OU Staff
Passover Safety Tips
Provided by the New York Board of Rabbis The week prior to Pesach is a high scald and burn time within the Jewish community. Special burn prevention care needs to be...
Mar 23, 2009
By OU Staff
Passover: Creative Cooking
Most dishes we think of as “Jewish food” are delicious borrowings from whatever country our ancestors happened to find themselves in, but one of the very few foods that Jews actually...
Mar 23, 2009
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Pesach Onion Kugel
6 eggs 2 cups chopped onion 1/3 cup oil 1/2 cup matzah meal 1-1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper Beat eggs until light. Stir in onions, oil, matzo meal, salt and...
Mar 19, 2009
By Norene Gilletz
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