Matzah, Matzah… Prunes anyone?
Passover 1975. It seemed like a good idea. I’d introduce the subject of prayer to my religious school class at my local synagogue (Temple Beth Tikvah in Fullerton, CA) by asking...
Mar 31, 2009
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Passover: “Lean” Cuisine
There’s Four Questions. Pick a question, any question… see if you can find it again! Actually, I was hoping you’d pick the fourth of these parables: 4. Why is this night...
Mar 31, 2009
By Brian Mailman
Children’s Activities for Pesach
Click on the thumbnails to download the pdf Chad Gadya Stick Puppets 10 Plagues Finger Puppets Torah Adventures Comic Book Chapter 1 Pesach Finder Pesach Crowns Send a Pesach eCard! Learn...
Mar 31, 2009
By OU Staff
Passover Dinner Elegance
Add elegance without effort to your Passover Dinner. Plus a Passover Dinner in Minutes that won’t break your calorie or time bank. Read Linda Gassenheimer’s “Dinner in Minutes” food column.
Mar 30, 2009
By Linda Gassenheimer
Pesach: Chametz Seen
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Mar 29, 2009
By Chari Pere
Memory: Living a Fully Realized Jewish Life – Part...
We are commanded to remember our stay and exodus from Egypt, as well as Amalek. What are the key lessons learned from this remembering? Part 1 of 2 by Rochi Lerner,...
Mar 26, 2009
By Rochi Lerner
Put the Coin in Now!
The more one serves God and follows the Torah, the freer the person is because he isn’t enslaved to his desires or the zeitgeist. Trading in one servitude for another –...
Mar 26, 2009
By Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrell
Tzafun & Tzafona: How Lechem Oni Becomes Afikomen
How does the matzah shift from being poor man’s bread at the beginning of the Seder, in maggid, to being a symbol of freedom by the time we get to the Afikomen? Esther...
Mar 26, 2009
By Esther Wein
You Won’t Believe These Are Passover Desserts!
The Passover cakes I remember from my childhood were almost always sponge cakes. The number of eggs in the cake would depend on whose recipe my mother would decide to try...
Mar 25, 2009
By Norene Gilletz
OU Kosher Pre-Pesach Webcast 5769
Practical Issues in Hilchos Pesach In this extra-special video, the Orthodox Union’s prominent Poskim, Rav Yisroel Belsky, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah V’Da’as, and Rav Hershel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat...
Mar 25, 2009
By Rav Yisroel Belsky/Rav Herschel Schachter
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