Passover 658 articles

Jewish Holidays

Passover or Pesach commemorates the day the Jewish people were freed from Egypt and is marked on the first night by the Seder and the reading of the Haggadah which relates the story of the exodus from Egypt

Haftorahman: Haftarah for the 7th Day of Pesach
Haftorahman: Haftarah for the 7th Day of Pesach
In keeping with the theme of the song at the sea (Az Yashir) which we read in the Torah portion, the Haftarah for the 7th day of Pesach is King David’s...
Apr 9, 2012
By Reuben Ebrahimoff
Preguntas de la Hagadah
Preguntas de la Hagadah
Apr 5, 2012
By Rabbi Israel Lashak
Pesach 5772: Torah Tidbits Audio
Pesach 5772: Torah Tidbits Audio
Torah Tidbits Audio Pesach edition with Seder highlights including how the custom of Karpas developed and mah nishtanah, the 4 questions.
Apr 5, 2012
By Phil Chernofsky
Arami Oved Avi: Why Not Just Tell the Story? – An Analysis of the Pesach Hagaddah
Arami Oved Avi: Why Not Just Tell the Story?...
Why did the Baalei Haggadah choose pesukim from Devarim to darshen for the Maggid section rather than from Shemos? Join us for a line-by-line analysis of the “Arami Oved Avi” section...
Apr 5, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Echad Mi Yodea: I Know Thirteen
Echad Mi Yodea: I Know Thirteen
We take so much for granted, even on Seder night. Even as we celebrate the how’s and why’s of our redemption from Egypt too often we leave unanswered the most important...
Apr 5, 2012
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
The Pesach Haggadah: The Wise Son Returns to the Questions
The Pesach Haggadah: The Wise Son Returns to the...
“The Torah speaks of four children: One is wise, one is wicked, one is simple and one does not know how to ask.” – The Haggada The four children represent four...
Apr 4, 2012
By Rabbi Yakov Nagen
A Pesach Message: Freedom
A Pesach Message: Freedom
The story of Pesach, of the Exodus from Egypt, is one of the oldest and greatest in the world. It tells of how one people, long ago, experienced oppression and were...
Apr 4, 2012
By Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Pesach: Meeting the Divine
Pesach: Meeting the Divine
Rav Wolbe writes that at midnight on the Seder night the Jews attained the ability to tap into the height of where the Jewish people should be. How do we achieve...
Apr 3, 2012
By Shira Smiles
Haftorahman: Haftarah for the 1st Day of Pesach
Haftorahman: Haftarah for the 1st Day of Pesach
Haftorahman brings you a shiur on this Shabbat’s Haftarah from the Book of Prophets, explaining it in a dynamic and exciting way, making learning the Haftorah a fun and enlightening experience...
Apr 3, 2012
By Reuben Ebrahimoff
Five Themes in the Haggadah
Five Themes in the Haggadah
Rabbi Weil discusses 5 Haggadah themes: Ha Lachma Anya, reliving the Exodus, kriyat yam suf, next year in Jerusalem, and the Korban Pesach. Listen to the audio version here.
Apr 2, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil

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