Passover 658 articles

Jewish Holidays

Passover or Pesach commemorates the day the Jewish people were freed from Egypt and is marked on the first night by the Seder and the reading of the Haggadah which relates the story of the exodus from Egypt

Why Count?
Why Count?
Why don’t we count down to Matan Torah? Why is the count relative to the korban omer? Why do we begin on Pesach but not on the first day of Pesach?
Apr 20, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Liberating Through Eating
Liberating Through Eating
The most important aspects of the seder are carried out using the mouth – eating the korban Pesach and telling the story of Yetziat Mitzrayim, the exodus from Egypt.
Apr 20, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Pesach – La Temporada de Emunah
Pesach – La Temporada de Emunah
“Al entrar a la tierra de Israel, usted va a disfrutar prosperidad y abundancia.  Construirá bellas casas.  Su ganado y su cosecha aumentaran.  Usted acumulara el oro y la plata.  Y...
Apr 20, 2016
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Pesach, Matzah, and Maror: Three Aspects of the Geulah
Pesach, Matzah, and Maror: Three Aspects of the Geulah
1) Why is marror one of the aspects of freedom if it serves to commemorate slavery? 2) Why don’t we discuss Pesach, Matzah, and Marror in chronological order with marror first? 3) Why do...
Apr 20, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Ha Lachma Anya and Daled Kosot
Ha Lachma Anya and Daled Kosot
Second Cup/Ha Lachma Anya Our minhag, which is in accordance with the Shulchan Aruch, has the filling of the second cup after Ha Lachma Anya before Mah Nishtana.  However, the Rambam...
Apr 20, 2016
By Rav Mosheh Twersky HY"D
Yo Nunca Me Equivoco – Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach
Yo Nunca Me Equivoco – Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach
“Moshe dijo; “Y así dijo HASHEM, cerca de la medianoche, Yo saldré en medio de Egipto.” – Shemos 11:4 Moshe cambio las palabras HASHEM se paso meses y meses mostrándoles a...
Apr 18, 2016
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
¡En cada generacion nos tratan de destruir!
¡En cada generacion nos tratan de destruir!
Apr 14, 2016
By Rabbi Israel Lashak
Shabbos HaGadol: What’s So Big?
Shabbos HaGadol: What’s So Big?
Why only in Egypt did we have to take the Korban Pesach specifically on the 10th of Nissan? Why do we commemorate the day of the week on which the miracle...
Apr 13, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Chametz to Matza: Breaking the Time Barrier
Chametz to Matza: Breaking the Time Barrier
Why is the seder called “order” – there are other things that are orderly in Judaism? Why focus on who was skipped? What is the significance of the Jews being told...
Apr 7, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Kriyat Yam Suf: Opening a Portal Between Dimensions
Kriyat Yam Suf: Opening a Portal Between Dimensions
Why did an agreement need to be made with the water to split; the connection between Kriyat Yam Suf & techiyat hametim. Why couldn’t the Jews go 3 days without Torah? For...
Apr 7, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer

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