Passover 658 articles

Jewish Holidays

Passover or Pesach commemorates the day the Jewish people were freed from Egypt and is marked on the first night by the Seder and the reading of the Haggadah which relates the story of the exodus from Egypt

Chametz Sheavar Alav haPesach: The Supermarket Controversy
Chametz Sheavar Alav haPesach: The Supermarket Controversy
An exciting aspect of Torah study is the application of the age-old principles of halachah to the modern world in which we live. Thus, as an example, there is obviously no...
Apr 21, 2017
By Rabbi Yaakov Luban
Where Does Hallel Come From? The Organization of Hallel and Parshas Emor – Part 2
Where Does Hallel Come From? The Organization of Hallel...
To briefly review, in Part I of this article we introduced the concept that the yearly roster of the special holy-days listed in Vayikra chapter 23 within Parshas Emor might serve...
Apr 13, 2017
By Barry Yaffe
Where Does Hallel Come From? The Organization of Hallel and Parshas Emor – Part 1
Where Does Hallel Come From? The Organization of Hallel...
Article abstract: Hallel is comprised of six sequential chapters within Tehillim recited on most holidays in joyous praise of God. Surprisingly, examination of the tone and content of those chapters reveals...
Apr 13, 2017
By Barry Yaffe
What is charoset? What is it’s significance on the night of the Seder? Some rishonim/achronim say it’s a fruit puree, some say it’s a vegetable puree.
Apr 10, 2017
By Rav Chaim Ilson
Inquiries in the Mitzva of Tashbisu
Inquiries in the Mitzva of Tashbisu
Can you fulfill the mitzva by placing chametz with tasteless, odorless arsenic; putting it in a secure capsule and launching it into outer space; putting it in a particle accelerator and...
Apr 9, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
¿Por que tanto desprecio al Pan en Pesaj?
¿Por que tanto desprecio al Pan en Pesaj?
Apr 6, 2017
By Rabbi Israel Lashak
Something to Say at the Seder 5777
Something to Say at the Seder 5777
The emphasis at the seder is to feel that God took you out of Egypt together with the rest of the nation, that God did this for us. The paragraph of...
Apr 6, 2017
By Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
Spiritual Supremacy: 3 Thoughts on the Haggadah
Spiritual Supremacy: 3 Thoughts on the Haggadah
We already mention in Dayenu that God gave us the Torah, why is Shabbos singled out? Why focus on the mon and not the other miracles?; B’chol dor v’dor
Apr 6, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Top FAQs of Passover 2017
Top FAQs of Passover 2017
A Compilation of Consumer hotline, live chat and e-mailed questions Q: Do raw nuts require certification for Passover? A:  Raw nuts in their shell do not require Passover certification. Shelled nuts...
Apr 4, 2017
By OU Staff
The Ten Plagues: An Educational Experience
The Ten Plagues: An Educational Experience
The 3 sets of the makkot can be categorized according to the 3 principles of Sefer HaIkkarim. Each set was intended to teach Pharaoh a different lesson.
Apr 4, 2017
By Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold

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