Passover 658 articles

Jewish Holidays

Passover or Pesach commemorates the day the Jewish people were freed from Egypt and is marked on the first night by the Seder and the reading of the Haggadah which relates the story of the exodus from Egypt

Mikra Bikkurim and How We Tell the Story of Yetziat Mitzrayim
Mikra Bikkurim and How We Tell the Story of...
This shiur provided courtesy of The Tanach Study Center In memory of Rabbi Abraham Leibtag  Understanding Magid: A Biblical Perspective – Expression of Gratitude  or  Recognition of Destiny Should Passover be understood as our ‘holiday of freedom’...
Oct 15, 2017
By Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
Shvii Shel Pesach – the 7th Day of Chag HaMatzot
Shvii Shel Pesach – the 7th Day of Chag...
This shiur provided courtesy of The Tanach Study Center In memory of Rabbi Abraham Leibtag We are all familiar with the historical reason for celebrating the ‘seventh day of Passover’ –...
Oct 3, 2017
By Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
The Four Sons in the Chumash and the Haggadah
The Four Sons in the Chumash and the Haggadah
This shiur provided courtesy of The Tanach Study Center In memory of Rabbi Abraham Leibtag Are the ‘Four Sons’ really in the Bible? When we quote that Midrash at the Seder,...
Oct 3, 2017
By Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
Dayenu: Would It Have Been Enough?
Dayenu: Would It Have Been Enough?
This shiur provided courtesy of The Tanach Study Center In memory of Rabbi Abraham Leibtag How could an observant Jew say, let alone sing, that -‘it would have been enough’- even...
Oct 3, 2017
By Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
Yemei HaGeulah 5768 – Rabbi Akiva
Yemei HaGeulah 5768 – Rabbi Akiva
Despite R’ Akiva’s losing 24,000 students, he did not give up hope and went and acquired 5 new students in order to reinvigorate the future of the Jewish people.
Sep 10, 2017
By Rabbi Shalom Hammer
Pesach: Time of Renewal
Pesach: Time of Renewal
Pesach is a time of renewal, it occurs in the spring, the annual time of renewal and is when we left Egypt and became a nation. But at the same time we...
Sep 10, 2017
By Rabbi Shalom Hammer
Preservation Through Fire
Preservation Through Fire
The challenge of our generation is the preservation of Jewish Identity. The Jewish people were created by fire and binds us as 1 force. Sleepless Sermon for Pesach 5769
Sep 10, 2017
By Rabbi Shalom Hammer
The Questions of the Chacham and Rasha
The Questions of the Chacham and Rasha
The Chacham (wise son) and the Rasha (wicked son) seem to be asking the same question. Why do we give them such different answers? Sleepless Sermon for Pesach
Sep 10, 2017
By Rabbi Shalom Hammer
Attitude: Sleepless Sermon for Pesach 5768
Attitude: Sleepless Sermon for Pesach 5768
Sometimes the problems that exist are not due to anything specific but rather to an attitude problem. One such issue is how we observe and relate to Chol HaMoed.
Sep 10, 2017
By Rabbi Shalom Hammer
Hilchos Yom Tov
Hilchos Yom Tov
The following is meant as a convenient review of Halachos pertaining to Yom Tov. The Piskei Din for the most part are based purely on the Sugyos, Shulchan Aruch and Ramah,...
May 29, 2017
By Rabbi Y. Dov Krakowski

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