Months 355 articles

Jewish Holidays

Re’eh: A Cloak of Mercy
Re’eh: A Cloak of Mercy
A triplet of deviation plays a starring role in our parsha : First the false prophet If a prophet arises among you or a dreamer of a dream,...
Aug 12, 2009
By Rabbi Asher Brander.
Elul Thoughts: Part III
Elul Thoughts: Part III
How can we be commanded to feel an emotion – to love God? The more we strive to know Him, the more we will come to love Him. Elul Thoughts: Part...
Sep 28, 2008
By Rochi Lerner
The Train to Change
The Train to Change
Is change possible? Why do we need Elul? The challenge of Elul is to begin the process of changing our lives. Elul allows us to map out who we are and...
Sep 28, 2008
By Rabbi Yonatan Kaganoff
Changes That Last Forever: Part II
Changes That Last Forever: Part II
Often we turn our backs on the opportunity of a lifetime, seeing it as no more than another option in life. Mistake is a result of spiritual insensitivity. For part 1...
Sep 26, 2008
By Rabbi Pinchas Winston
A Majestic Amidah: Part II
A Majestic Amidah: Part II
In the Rosh Hashanah Mussaf we discuss the themes of Malchuyot, Zichronot, & Shofarot in the past, present, and future for a prayer that transcends time. Presented by Rabbi Yaakov Mendelson,...
Sep 26, 2008
By Rabbi Yaakov Mendelson
The First Mass Teshuva Movement
The First Mass Teshuva Movement
A Look at Sefer Bamidbar, when an entire nation of people became Baalei Teshuva. Lessons learned to incorporate into the time of reflection prior to Rosh Hashana. Presented by Rabbi Steve...
Sep 25, 2008
By Rabbi Steve Burg
Elul Thoughts: Part II
Elul Thoughts: Part II
During Elul we try to search for God, to align our hearts and mind with Him, to find Him in everything around us, and re-engage God. Preparing to approach God –...
Sep 24, 2008
By Rochi Lerner
Can You Hear Me Now?
Can You Hear Me Now?
Blasting your own shofar and hearing God’s call. On Rosh HaShana we are commanded to HEAR the call of the shofar. We recognize when we sound the shofar we aren’t just making...
Sep 24, 2008
By Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld
The Four Stages of Repentance: Commitment
The Four Stages of Repentance: Commitment
An important part of commitment for the future is taking responsibility for what we have done. We also have to stop blaming others for our errors. Fourth in a series on...
Sep 23, 2008
By Rabbi Moishe Lichtenstein
A Person of Substance – Yom HaZikaron: Part II
A Person of Substance – Yom HaZikaron: Part II
What do we mean when we say that Hashem remembers? How to live a life that will be remembered, that doesn’t just exist in the right here and now. Esther Wein’s...
Sep 22, 2008
By Esther Wein

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