Months 355 articles

Jewish Holidays

Chodesh Nissan and the Kabbalistic Secret of the Reversal of the Signet Ring
Chodesh Nissan and the Kabbalistic Secret of the Reversal...
Download the source sheet Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Mar 18, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Queen Esther’s Rosh Chodesh Message
Queen Esther’s Rosh Chodesh Message
Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
Feb 20, 2018
By Zemira Ozarowski
Adar Mazal Dagim: The Chasam Sofer Unmasks the Joy of Adar and the Joy of the Beis Hamikdash
Adar Mazal Dagim: The Chasam Sofer Unmasks the Joy...
  Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Feb 15, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha: The Joy of Being a Yehudi
Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha: The Joy of Being a...
Why do we mention the verse of “ליהודים היתה אורה” in Havdalah? Why does Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha begin from Shabbos Mevarchim? Why does the Megillah end off by telling us...
Feb 5, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Month of Shevat: A Time to Grow
The Month of Shevat: A Time to Grow
From the beginning, we have had a connection to trees. Adam was commanded to work and guard the trees of gan eden. The holiday of Tu B’Shevat means different things to...
Jan 17, 2018
By Shprintzee Rappaport
VaYigdal Mosheh on Elul
VaYigdal Mosheh on Elul
Shofar During Elul In Pirkei d’Rabi Eliezer (perek 46), Chazal say that a shofar was blown on Rosh Chodesh Elul when Moshe Rabbeinu went up to Har Sinai (for the final...
Jan 3, 2018
By Rav Mosheh Twersky HY"D
Personal Tevet Reflections
Personal Tevet Reflections
In Tevet, Esther was pulled away from her family and forced to live with Achashverosh but it ultimately led to the Jews’ salvation. Despite the tragedies that occured during Tevet, the...
Dec 25, 2017
By Batya Burd
Tevet, MiLashon Tov: A Month of Good
Tevet, MiLashon Tov: A Month of Good
What is the connection between Chanukah and Tevet? Why did they wait until the year after the Chanukah miracle to make it into a holiday? Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh...
Dec 25, 2017
By Ayala Hart
The Molad and Its Impact on Every Day of the Year
The Molad and Its Impact on Every Day of...
Halachic issues when crossing the International Dateline visiting  Hawaii, Japan or New Zealand Crossing the Arctic Circle where the sun does not rise in the winter visiting Alaska or Finland Shiur...
Nov 30, 2017
By Rabbi Dovid Heber
Forgetting V’Sein Tal/Yaaleh V’Yavo on Rosh Chodesh
Forgetting V’Sein Tal/Yaaleh V’Yavo on Rosh Chodesh
On Rosh Chodesh during the winter, what is the halacha if someone forgot to say v’sein tal u’matar, and when he repeated Shmoneh Esrei, he forgot yaaleh v’yavo? In Brachos (26b)...
Nov 30, 2017
By Rav Mosheh Twersky HY"D

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