Months 355 articles

Jewish Holidays

Nisan, Springtime and Birkat Ha’ilanot
Nisan, Springtime and Birkat Ha’ilanot
Regarding the month of Nisan the Torah says: “Guard the month of springtime, and carry out the Passover offering for Hashem, your God; for in the month of the springtime Hashem,...
Apr 2, 2019
By Rabbi Reuven Sasson
Catch the Fish – The Adar Power of Double
Catch the Fish – The Adar Power of Double
A message for singles, delivered 3/24/19 at the “Catch the Fish” singles event.
Mar 25, 2019
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
The Transformation of the Spiritual DNA of Adar
The Transformation of the Spiritual DNA of Adar
The Megillah says that not only the days of Purim but the entire month (of Adar) was transformed from sorrow to joy. Why was Haman happy when the lottery fell on...
Mar 10, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Mishenichnas Adar Marbim… B’Mitzvot: A Halachic Overview of the Mitzvot of Adar
Mishenichnas Adar Marbim… B’Mitzvot: A Halachic Overview of the...
In addition to Purim and it’s mitzvot, there are other mitzvot associated with Adar including the obligation to read the four parshiyot (Shekalim, Zachor, Parah, HaChodesh), Taanit Esther, and the custom...
Mar 10, 2019
By Rabbi Gershon Turetsky
“Something Fishy About Two Adars”: The Mystical Secret of the Two Fish of Two Adars
“Something Fishy About Two Adars”: The Mystical Secret of...
Why of all months do we specifically double Adar? Each of the twelve months correspond to one of the twelve shevatim. According to R’ Tzadok HaKohen Adar corresponds to Yosef since...
Feb 14, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Dance of the Sun and the Moon: A Deeper Understanding of the Jewish Leap Year
The Dance of the Sun and the Moon: A...
The Torah commands us to ensure that Nissan always falls out in the spring. Why do we specifically double Adar, the month associated with joy? What is the nature of Adar...
Feb 7, 2019
By Shoshie Nissenbaum
Calendar Conundrums: Halachic Insights into Adar Alef and Bet
Calendar Conundrums: Halachic Insights into Adar Alef and Bet
Which is the real Adar? This affects when to celebrate Purim, when to observe a yahrtzeit, and when a child becomes bar/bat mitzvah. Why is Adar always the added month? Do...
Feb 7, 2019
By Rabbi Anthony Manning
Two Purims? A Deeper Look at the Jewish Calendar
Two Purims? A Deeper Look at the Jewish Calendar
The Rambam defines the mitzvah of kiddush hachodesh as sanctifying the month and intercalating the months to ensure that Pesach will always fall in the Spring. Hashem wants us to be...
Feb 6, 2019
By Phil Chernofsky
Analyzing the Words of Yaaleh V’Yavo
Analyzing the Words of Yaaleh V’Yavo
Download the Mekorot Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
Jan 9, 2019
By Zemira Ozarowski
Analyzing the Words of Birchat HaChodesh
Analyzing the Words of Birchat HaChodesh
Download the Mekorot Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
Dec 12, 2018
By Zemira Ozarowski

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