Months 355 articles

Jewish Holidays

Incredible Investment
Incredible Investment
 Shiur provided courtesy of Adapted by Channie Koplowitz Stein In this season of awe, we often invoke the mantra, “Uteshuvah utefillah utzedaka ma’avirin et roa hagezaeirah/Repentance, prayer and charity can turn...
Sep 8, 2019
By Shira Smiles
“Wherever You Turn, It’s Elul”
“Wherever You Turn, It’s Elul”
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime Deciphering the Most Oft-Repeated Remez in the Torah
Sep 6, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Seven Stages of Geulah: Unrolling the Haftarot of the Sheva deNechemta
The Seven Stages of Geulah: Unrolling the Haftarot of...
  Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Elul 5779 Women’s Event sponsored in memory of Mrs Linda Pruwer-Brachfeld, מרת חיה סאשא בת ר’ יוסף הלל.  
Sep 3, 2019
By Kira Sirote
Rav Kook’s Shofar of Teshuva
Rav Kook’s Shofar of Teshuva
  Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Elul 5779 Women’s Event sponsored in memory of Mrs Linda Pruwer-Brachfeld, מרת חיה סאשא בת ר’ יוסף הלל.  
Sep 3, 2019
By Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider
“Hashamayim Kisi” – How Shabbat Nullifies Eisav & Yishmael
“Hashamayim Kisi” – How Shabbat Nullifies Eisav & Yishmael
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime The haftarah for Shabbat Rosh Chodesh
Aug 30, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Teshuvah That Builds, Not Breaks
Teshuvah That Builds, Not Breaks
Years ago, as a counselor at a Jewish summer camp, I watched a teenage camper leave a shiur in tears after hearing a well-meaning speaker describe the need to do teshuvah...
Aug 30, 2019
By Dr. Chaya Sima Koenigsberg
The Seven Haftarot of Consolation
The Seven Haftarot of Consolation
  Delivered at the OU Israel Center, August 25, 2019, 24 Av 5779 This shiur is sponsored by Mel David in Gratitude to Hashem for the many blessings he has been...
Aug 29, 2019
By Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
Rosh Chodesh Av: Day of Hallel or Day of Mourning?
Rosh Chodesh Av: Day of Hallel or Day of...
The Gemara teaches that when Av begins we diminish our joy. Yet at the same time, we recite Hallel, a joyous prayer, on Rosh Chodesh Av. What is the nature of...
Aug 8, 2019
By Zemira Ozarowski
Grafting Knowledge to Faith
Grafting Knowledge to Faith
For the yahrtzeit of the Ari HaKadosh, zechuso yagen aleinu, 5 Av.
Aug 6, 2019
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
The Tikkun of the Ben Ish Chai For 5 Av – The Yahrtzeit of the Arizal
The Tikkun of the Ben Ish Chai For 5...
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Aug 6, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

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