Elul 157 articles


Moshe had gone up in the Month of Sivan, and returned after forty days and forty nights, on the 17th of Tammuz with the First Luchos. When Moshe observed the Jewish People sinning by creating and worshipping the Golden Calf, and participating in other sinful activities centered around the worship of that idol, he broke that first set of Luchos. He ascended Mount Sinai a second time, on the eighteenth day of Tammuz, the day after the great sin, and remained there for another forty days and forty nights, praying to G-d to spare the Jewish People and to return His full Presence among them.

At the conclusion of the second forty day and forty night period (that is, on the 29th of Av, Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul), G-d forgave the Jewish People and instructed Moshe to ascend Har Sinai yet again the next day, to receive the Second Luchos, on which would be inscribed for the second time the Ten Commandments. Moshe’s ascension to Har Sinai for the third time (which also took forty days and forty nights, ending on Yom Kippur) occurred on Rosh Chodesh Elul.

HaShem also restored His Presence to the Jewish People by authorizing the construction of the “Mishkan,” the Temporary Structure which served as a “Residence,” so to speak, for the Divine Presence, before the building of the First Temple in Jerusalem.

Elul: Growth and Change
Elul: Growth and Change
According to Rav Kook, Teshuva is the ability to confront old habits and not cling to them, to be free to explore new ways, attitudes, and behaviors. A Time for Personal...
Sep 7, 2008
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Rebuilding the Temple Within
Rebuilding the Temple Within
A‘ye’ka – Where are you? Look what has become of you! Elul & Tishrei – Rebuilding The Bais Hamikdash Within Ourselves with Rabbi Yosef Grossman, OU Director of Kosher Education and...
Sep 5, 2008
By Rabbi Yosef Grossman
The Month of Elul: My Beloved
The Month of Elul: My Beloved
Elul is a time when we renew our vows with God. How can we work on loving God and our fellow man? by Rabbi Dave Felsenthal, Director of OU Alumni Affairs
Sep 4, 2008
By Rabbi Dave Felsenthal
Spiritual Healing: Part I
Spiritual Healing: Part I
We are not infallible, but if we can destroy it, we can fix it. You are the master of your soul – first in a series on spiritual healing by Rochi...
Sep 3, 2008
By Rochi Lerner
Introduction to the Month of Elul
Introduction to the Month of Elul
Parental guidance, parental praise, electrical conductors and missing the trade show – an introduction to the month of Elul by Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrell, Rabbinic Coordinator, OU Kosher.
Sep 1, 2008
By Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrell
Selichot Sichot: An Introduction
Selichot Sichot: An Introduction
Judaism is a blueprint for the relationship between us and God. Selichot & reciting the 13 middot are a recipe for mending that relationship
Sep 7, 2007
By Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrel
Selichos Sichos: Day I
Selichos Sichos: Day I
Background to selichot, codification by Rav Amram Gaon, when we begin, and an explanation of the 13 attributes of mercy, and selichot for the 1st day.
Sep 7, 2007
By Rabbi Leonard Steinberg
Selichot Sichot: Day II
Selichot Sichot: Day II
A discussion of the structure of selichot. Selichot are modeled after Mincha, the afternoon prayer. They are introduced & highlighted by the 13 attributes of mercy.  
Sep 7, 2007
By Rabbi Yosef Goldberg
Selichos Sichos: Day III
Selichos Sichos: Day III
Selichos Sichos:Day III – presented by Rabbi David Polsky. We plead God using the husband-wife motif & ask for protection. We then use a vineyard motif. After that the paytan asks...
Sep 7, 2007
By Rabbi David Polsky
Selichos Sichos: Erev Rosh HaShanah
Selichos Sichos: Erev Rosh HaShanah
Selichos Sichos: Erev Rosh HaShanah – presented by Rabbi Yosef Goldberg In selichot for Erev Rosh Hashanah we ask God not to enter into strict judgment with us because we can’t...
Sep 7, 2007
By Rabbi Yosef Goldberg

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