Elul 172 articles


Moshe had gone up in the Month of Sivan, and returned after forty days and forty nights, on the 17th of Tammuz with the First Luchos. When Moshe observed the Jewish People sinning by creating and worshipping the Golden Calf, and participating in other sinful activities centered around the worship of that idol, he broke that first set of Luchos. He ascended Mount Sinai a second time, on the eighteenth day of Tammuz, the day after the great sin, and remained there for another forty days and forty nights, praying to G-d to spare the Jewish People and to return His full Presence among them.

At the conclusion of the second forty day and forty night period (that is, on the 29th of Av, Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul), G-d forgave the Jewish People and instructed Moshe to ascend Har Sinai yet again the next day, to receive the Second Luchos, on which would be inscribed for the second time the Ten Commandments. Moshe’s ascension to Har Sinai for the third time (which also took forty days and forty nights, ending on Yom Kippur) occurred on Rosh Chodesh Elul.

HaShem also restored His Presence to the Jewish People by authorizing the construction of the “Mishkan,” the Temporary Structure which served as a “Residence,” so to speak, for the Divine Presence, before the building of the First Temple in Jerusalem.

I Can’t Wait Until Tomorrow
I Can’t Wait Until Tomorrow
Make the most out of the month before the high holidays. You can accomplish a lot in a month. All God asks of us is to be better today than we were...
Sep 8, 2016
By Harry Rothenberg
The Power of Elul
The Power of Elul
Why did Moshe have to be at Har Sinai for 40 days and nights to receive the second luchot – he learned it the first time!?! What did he learn that...
Sep 2, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
VaYigdal Moshe on Rosh Chodesh Elul
VaYigdal Moshe on Rosh Chodesh Elul
If Yaaleh V’Yavo Was Forgotten In Brachos (26b) there is a machlokes Rishonim brought down in Tosafos and the Rosh regarding someone who forgot to say yaaleh v’yavo in Mincha of...
Sep 2, 2016
By Rav Mosheh Twersky HY"D
Rav Soloveitchik: Pre-Selichot Shiur 1968 – Part 2
Rav Soloveitchik: Pre-Selichot Shiur 1968 – Part 2
The essence of Rosh Hashanah is the 3 themes we recite in Mussaf – malchuyot, zichronot, & shofarot. Rav Soloveitchik discusses the structure of Mussaf. Delivered in Boston, September 14th, 1968....
Oct 19, 2015
By Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Rav Soloveitchik: Pre-Selichot Shiur 1968 – Part 1
Rav Soloveitchik: Pre-Selichot Shiur 1968 – Part 1
The essence of Rosh Hashanah is the 3 themes we recite in Mussaf – malchuyot, zichronot, & shofarot. Rav Soloveitchik discusses the structure of Mussaf. Delivered in Boston, September 14th, 1968....
Oct 19, 2015
By Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Intro to Selichos 5775: Rabbi Shalom Rosner
Intro to Selichos 5775: Rabbi Shalom Rosner
On the first night of selichot we ask God to listen to our “rina” and tefilla”, what do these 2 terms mean? How does this capture what we should be feeling?...
Sep 7, 2015
By Rabbi Shalom Rosner
Rambam’s Analysis of the Six Spiritual Roadblocks that Preclude Teshuva
Rambam’s Analysis of the Six Spiritual Roadblocks that Preclude...
In Hilchot Teshuva, the Rambam lists 24 things that can prevent a person from attaining teshuva. These 24 roadblocks can be divided into 6 different categories.
Aug 24, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Elul: Time of Desire
Elul: Time of Desire
Elul is characterized as a time of desire. It is when we are most acceptable before God. Our job is to tap into this energy & utilize it. How do we...
Aug 17, 2012
By Shira Smiles
Tehillim 27 During Elul
Tehillim 27 During Elul
The goal of Tehillim is to integrate its messages, words, and ideas into every part of ourselves so as to cause transformation. How does Tehillim chapter 27 help us accomplish this during the month of...
Sep 26, 2011
By Rivka Segal
Hilchos Teshuva #1
Hilchos Teshuva #1
The very phrase “days of awe” connote fear and anxiety. The flip side is that they are also days of extraordinary opportunity and closeness to God. Presented by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz...
Sep 21, 2011
By Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz

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