Elul 157 articles


Moshe had gone up in the Month of Sivan, and returned after forty days and forty nights, on the 17th of Tammuz with the First Luchos. When Moshe observed the Jewish People sinning by creating and worshipping the Golden Calf, and participating in other sinful activities centered around the worship of that idol, he broke that first set of Luchos. He ascended Mount Sinai a second time, on the eighteenth day of Tammuz, the day after the great sin, and remained there for another forty days and forty nights, praying to G-d to spare the Jewish People and to return His full Presence among them.

At the conclusion of the second forty day and forty night period (that is, on the 29th of Av, Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul), G-d forgave the Jewish People and instructed Moshe to ascend Har Sinai yet again the next day, to receive the Second Luchos, on which would be inscribed for the second time the Ten Commandments. Moshe’s ascension to Har Sinai for the third time (which also took forty days and forty nights, ending on Yom Kippur) occurred on Rosh Chodesh Elul.

HaShem also restored His Presence to the Jewish People by authorizing the construction of the “Mishkan,” the Temporary Structure which served as a “Residence,” so to speak, for the Divine Presence, before the building of the First Temple in Jerusalem.

U’Netaneh Tokef: Who Shall Live
U’Netaneh Tokef: Who Shall Live
UNetaneh Tokef, one of the most powerful parts of Musaf on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, as viewed through recent events.
Sep 1, 2009
By OU Staff
Shoftim: Fearfully Yours
Shoftim: Fearfully Yours
One afternoon, Bill Clinton was sitting in his office when his telephone rang. “Hello Mr. Clinton,” a heavily accented voice says. “This is Yankel down in Tel-Aviv Israel. I am ringing...
Aug 18, 2009
By Rabbi Asher Brander.
Re’eh: A Cloak of Mercy
Re’eh: A Cloak of Mercy
A triplet of deviation plays a starring role in our parsha : First the false prophet If a prophet arises among you or a dreamer of a dream,...
Aug 12, 2009
By Rabbi Asher Brander.
Elul Thoughts: Part III
Elul Thoughts: Part III
How can we be commanded to feel an emotion – to love God? The more we strive to know Him, the more we will come to love Him. Elul Thoughts: Part...
Sep 28, 2008
By Rochi Lerner
The Train to Change
The Train to Change
Is change possible? Why do we need Elul? The challenge of Elul is to begin the process of changing our lives. Elul allows us to map out who we are and...
Sep 28, 2008
By Rabbi Yonatan Kaganoff
The First Mass Teshuva Movement
The First Mass Teshuva Movement
A Look at Sefer Bamidbar, when an entire nation of people became Baalei Teshuva. Lessons learned to incorporate into the time of reflection prior to Rosh Hashana. Presented by Rabbi Steve...
Sep 25, 2008
By Rabbi Steve Burg
Elul Thoughts: Part II
Elul Thoughts: Part II
During Elul we try to search for God, to align our hearts and mind with Him, to find Him in everything around us, and re-engage God. Preparing to approach God –...
Sep 24, 2008
By Rochi Lerner
The Four Stages of Repentance: Commitment
The Four Stages of Repentance: Commitment
An important part of commitment for the future is taking responsibility for what we have done. We also have to stop blaming others for our errors. Fourth in a series on...
Sep 23, 2008
By Rabbi Moishe Lichtenstein
Changes That Last Forever: Part I
Changes That Last Forever: Part I
What does the Gemara mean when it says that a person only sins because a spirit of insanity enters him. If so, why would we be responsible for our sins!?! For...
Sep 22, 2008
By Rabbi Pinchas Winston
The Memory of Self – Yom HaZikaron: Part I
The Memory of Self – Yom HaZikaron: Part I
Rosh Hashana constantly refers to God remembering. What do we mean when we say that Hashem remembers? Esther Wein’s new shiur for Elul. For part 2 click here.
Sep 21, 2008
By Esther Wein

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