Elul 172 articles


Moshe had gone up in the Month of Sivan, and returned after forty days and forty nights, on the 17th of Tammuz with the First Luchos. When Moshe observed the Jewish People sinning by creating and worshipping the Golden Calf, and participating in other sinful activities centered around the worship of that idol, he broke that first set of Luchos. He ascended Mount Sinai a second time, on the eighteenth day of Tammuz, the day after the great sin, and remained there for another forty days and forty nights, praying to G-d to spare the Jewish People and to return His full Presence among them.

At the conclusion of the second forty day and forty night period (that is, on the 29th of Av, Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul), G-d forgave the Jewish People and instructed Moshe to ascend Har Sinai yet again the next day, to receive the Second Luchos, on which would be inscribed for the second time the Ten Commandments. Moshe’s ascension to Har Sinai for the third time (which also took forty days and forty nights, ending on Yom Kippur) occurred on Rosh Chodesh Elul.

HaShem also restored His Presence to the Jewish People by authorizing the construction of the “Mishkan,” the Temporary Structure which served as a “Residence,” so to speak, for the Divine Presence, before the building of the First Temple in Jerusalem.

Chiseling a Heart of Stone into Tablets
Chiseling a Heart of Stone into Tablets
If the month of Elul is all about teshuvah, then how is it different from the Ten Days of Repentance? What is the connection to the second luchot and how are...
Aug 24, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Elul: Tisha B’Av to Rosh Hashana – Getting Closer to Hashem
Elul: Tisha B’Av to Rosh Hashana – Getting Closer...
You know the meaning of the first letters of “ani l’dodi v’dodi li” but what about the last letters? And why do we call Hashem “Dodi?” Gain many insights into Elul....
Aug 23, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Divrei Chizuk before Selichos 5774
Divrei Chizuk before Selichos 5774
The Sefer HaChinuch lists six constant mitzvot including loving and fearing Hashem. What do these mitzvot demand of us? How do we achieve them?
Jul 17, 2017
By Rabbi Shalom Rosner
Insights into Teshuvah and Kapara
Insights into Teshuvah and Kapara
What are teshuva and kapara – are they one and the same or are they different? If they are different then how do they differ & how do we achieve each...
Sep 23, 2016
By Rav Chaim Ilson
Teshuva: To Fix Free Will
Teshuva: To Fix Free Will
The Rambam says that “complete Teshuva” is achieved when you are in the exact same situations with all the conditions as when you sin but you refrain from sinning, Why is...
Sep 23, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Is it a Mitzvat Aseh to do Teshuva?
Is it a Mitzvat Aseh to do Teshuva?
According to the Rambam, the actual mitzvah of Teshuva is viduy (confession). Other rishonim, including the Ramban, hold Teshuva itself is a mitzvah. How could it be that according to the Rambam there...
Sep 23, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Secretos del Mes de Elul
Secretos del Mes de Elul
en Español
Sep 22, 2016
By Rabbi Israel Lashak
Hilchos Teshuvah: Halachic Teshuvah vs. Hashem’s Kindness
Hilchos Teshuvah: Halachic Teshuvah vs. Hashem’s Kindness
The Rambam says that we gain atonement via Teshuva today since there is no Beit HaMikdash to offer korbanot. If we can gain teshuvah through atonement then why is there need...
Sep 17, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
The Centrality of Repentance to Torah and Mitzvot
The Centrality of Repentance to Torah and Mitzvot
Why did the Rambam place Hilchot Teshuva in Sefer HaMada, the book that deals with the fundamentals of Judaism? Is it because Teshuva is fundamental to Judaism or because it deals...
Sep 16, 2016
By Rav Chaim Ilson
Shiur on The Rambam’s Hilchot Teshuvah
Shiur on The Rambam’s Hilchot Teshuvah
What is the Rambam’s approach to the commandment of Teshuva in the Mishna Torah? How does he formulate it and in what context does he place it?
Sep 9, 2016
By Rav Chaim Ilson

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