Fast of Tisha B’Av 261 articles

Jewish Holidays

Tisha B’Av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, not just because it is the day on with both temples were destroyed but also because many other tragedies have occurred on that day as well. We focus on these historical events as part of the kinot we say on Tisha B’Av night and during the day.

The Fateful Meeting: Give Me Yavneh and It’s Sages
The Fateful Meeting: Give Me Yavneh and It’s Sages
The setting is Jerusalem, approximately in the year 70 C.E.; the city is in the grip of a terrible famine, and it is surrounded by powerful Roman legions, under the command...
Jul 19, 2011
By OU Staff
The Tiger at the Gates: The Romans Lay Siege to Jerusalem
The Tiger at the Gates: The Romans Lay Siege...
The Enemy Approaches, and Famine in Yerushalayim When the Roman Emperor was convinced by Bar-Kamtza that the Jews were indeed mounting a rebellion, he sent against Yerushalayim the great general, Nero....
Jul 19, 2011
By OU Staff
The Second “Beit HaMikdash,” Holy Temple, in Yerushalayim
The Second “Beit HaMikdash,” Holy Temple, in Yerushalayim
The End of Prophecy – The Formulation of the Mishnah The Prophet Yirmiyahu had received a prophecy that the “exile” following the destruction of the First Temple would be relatively “short”...
Jul 19, 2011
By OU Staff
The First “Beit HaMikdash”: The Temple of Shlomo
The First “Beit HaMikdash”: The Temple of Shlomo
The First Beit HaMikdash was actually built in the time of Shlomo HaMelech, King Solomon. Shlomo was the son of King David, who had conceived the idea of building a Temple...
Jul 19, 2011
By OU Staff
The Attempt by David HaMelech to Build a Temple
The Attempt by David HaMelech to Build a Temple
“…But look, ‘Here am I, Sitting in a House of Cedar…’ ” (Shmuel II, 7:2) “David HaMelech, “ King David, had finally succeeded in bringing the Ark of the L-rd to...
Jul 19, 2011
By OU Staff
Because of Kamtza and Bar-Kamtza Yerushalayim was Destroyed
Because of Kamtza and Bar-Kamtza Yerushalayim was Destroyed
“Rabbi Yochanan said, ‘What is the meaning of the verse in The Book of “Mishlei” (Proverbs 28) which reads, ‘Fortunate is the one who is always fearful, but the one who...
Jul 18, 2011
By OU Staff
Torah Study on Tisha B’Av
Torah Study on Tisha B’Av
On Tisha B’Av, unlike any other occasion, except for the “Shiva,” the seven-day period of mourning for a loved one, there exists a prohibition to study the Torah. This is because...
Jul 18, 2011
By OU Staff
Digest of The Laws of Tisha B’Av and the Three Weeks
Digest of The Laws of Tisha B’Av and the...
HALAKHA GUIDE / הלכות (According to the Ashkenazic practice) Notes in based upon contributions from Rabbi Ari Kahn, whom we thank for his valuable input! Abbreviations A.H. = Arukh HaShulĥan...
Jul 18, 2011
By OU Staff
About the Three Weeks: A Chronology of Destruction
About the Three Weeks: A Chronology of Destruction
The following is a list of the major events leading up to the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. First Temple: 3316 Yehoyakim ben Yoshiyahu becomes King of...
Jul 18, 2011
By OU Staff
My Shoulders, Your Shoulders, Our Shoulders
My Shoulders, Your Shoulders, Our Shoulders
One dimension of the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash is the person-to-person dimension. Tisha B’Av represents discord between Jews. It is this dimension that we can fix today! Presented by Rabbi Dr. Tzvi...
Jul 13, 2011
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

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