Rabbi Daniel Glatstein 911 articles

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein currently serves as the Rav and Morah D"asra of Kehilas Ahavas Yisroel, a vibrant and bustling young Kehilla where he offers daily shiurim and guidance to more than 100 young families. Previously, he spent five years building up and reviving the oldest Orthodox shul in Kew Gardens Hills from a dwindling membership to a vibrant center of Torah learning for the entire Queens community, attracting dozens of new members of all ages. Among his many weekly shiurim, Rabbi Glatstein delivers a popular weekly shiur to Bnei Torah, Baaleh Batim and college students on Parshas HaShavua and other timely topics in his own shul as well as in Rabbi Oelbaum's shul, K'hal Nachlas Yitzchak, through the Agra-Dpirka shiur network. He is often invited to serve as a guest speaker in Yeshivos and Torah Institutions across the Tri-State area and his shiurim have been received enthusiastically by audiences of all backgrounds and affiliations. Rabbi Glatstein has semicha from the Rabbinical Seminary of America,Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim as well as from Harav Noach Isaac Oelbaum.
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