First OU Advocacy Rabbinic Mission to DC 

15 Jun 2023

Today, the Orthodox Union Advocacy Center successfully hosted its inaugural rabbinic mission to DC. 

Rabbis leading a dozen major Orthodox Jewish congregations in many significant communities traveled to the nation’s capital to advocate on behalf of their communities and their priorities.

They met with key White House officials and their representatives in Congress to discuss US – Israel relations, combating antisemitism in America, and more.

Congressional leaders the rabbis met with included:

Senator Ben Cardin
Senator Chris Van Hollen
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz
Congressman Brad Schneider
Congressman Jerry Nadler
Congressman Jake Auchincloss
Congressman John Sarbanes
Congressman Anthony D’Esposito

Briefing and Lunch with Senator Ben Cardin, US Senator Maryland and Deputy Head of Mission Eliav Benjamin, Israel Embassy.
L-R: Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Kemp Mill Synagogue; OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer; United States Senator Ben Cardin (MD-3-D)
Meeting with Congressman John Sarbanes (MD-3-D): L-R: Rabbi Moshe Hauer, OU Executive Vice President; Congressman John Sarbanes (MD-3-D); Rabbi Dovid Asher, Keneseth Beth Israel; Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, Rinat Yisrael
Group photo on the balcony of Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Office.