Program Coordinator Volunteer engagement

  • Oversee Yachad Clubs in NY and NJ Yeshiva High Schools.
    • Programming can be social, educational, fundraising, appreciation and/or connection to wider agency
    • Supervise the club coordinator working with the other schools.
  • Coordinate 2 Sunday trainings for club presidents (Fall and Spring).
  • Engage and recruit advisors from college and Yeshivos in NY and NJ.
  • Coordinate appreciation for their volunteer leadership.
  • Run or coordinate sensitivity trainings in NY & NJ schools (elementary & high school)
  • Liaison social programming with local schools & the respective Yachad Program Directors
  • Help Coordinate 1-2 overnight chessed missions
  • Attend and recruit for 4 Shabbatonim with responsibilities towards 8th grade, high school students and advisors.
  • Some programming and logistical responsibilities.
  • Collaborate with NY & NJ Staff and attend team meetings.