Presented by Yachad, the parent & caregiver support group meets weekly and offers emotional support to those caring for an individual with disabilities.
Join Bonnie Giller as she outlines the real reason behind emotional eating, the types of emotional eaters and how to break free from the habit. This program is part of the SPIRIT Initiative for retirees, not-yet-retirees, empty nesters, seniors and sandwich generation men and women.
Please join the OU for an online ceremony to memorialize Israel's fallen soldiers and victims of terror and a celebration of Israel's independence on Tuesday, April 28 at 7:30pm.
Hear from Sarah Bersson, LCSW as she discusses tips and suggestions for 'Thriving Despite Isolation, An Older Adult's Perspective'. She will provide perspective, how to develop purposeful days and applying your strengths when isolating. This program is a part of the SPIRIT Retirees program.
Join Rabbi Yonah Gross as he discusses this week's parsha, "Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Spiritual Growth from Everyone and Everywhere" with the Daily Dvar on Thursday at 1:30 PM EST.
Join Eli Glaser, founder and director of Soveya as he shows how to optimize your immune system and maintain overall health during prolonged isolation and home confinement as part of the Calm Amid Corona mental health series.