Alone Together, Part II

THE DEPARTMENT OF SYNAGOGUE & COMMUNITY SERVICES OF THE ORTHODOX UNION PRESENTS   ALONE TOGETHER: PART II EMERGING FROM AND RETURNING TO THE CAVE: Chol Hamoed & last days survival and renewal for young couples and families   The session will provide practical tips and awareness for young couples during the current crisis: • To […]

The OU’s Daily Tehillim Call

On-Line 11 Broadway, NY, NY, United States

Join the OU's daily Tehillim and Chizuk call Sunday-Friday at 1:00 PM EDT and connect with Jews across the world for daily inspiration.

Parent and Caregiver Support Group

On-Line 11 Broadway, NY, NY, United States

Presented by Yachad, the parent & caregiver support group meets weekly and offers emotional support to those caring for an individual with disabilities.

SPIRIT Retirees: Ending Emotional Eating – Your 3 Step Plan

On-Line 11 Broadway, NY, NY, United States

Join Bonnie Giller as she outlines the real reason behind emotional eating, the types of emotional eaters and how to break free from the habit. This program is part of the SPIRIT Initiative for retirees, not-yet-retirees, empty nesters, seniors and sandwich generation men and women.

Daily Dvar: Building a Space for Prayer

On-Line 11 Broadway, NY, NY, United States

Join Rachel Kraus as she discusses Building a Space for Prayer with the Daily Dvar on Tuesday at 1:30 PM EST.

A Powerful Tribute to Yom Ha’Zikaron & Yom Ha’Atzmaut

On-Line 11 Broadway, NY, NY, United States

Please join the OU for an online ceremony to memorialize Israel's fallen soldiers and victims of terror and a celebration of Israel's independence on Tuesday, April 28 at 7:30pm.