SPIRIT: Rituals & Ruins: Korban Tamid, Churban, and Embracing “New Normals”

SPIRIT: Rituals & Ruins: Korban Tamid, Churban, and Embracing “New Normals” The Shiur will explore how the breaching of Yerushalayim’s walls paralleled the cessation of the daily sacrifice that defined the religious rhythm of service in the Mikdash. So much of our predictable world has been disrupted over the course of this year. The shiur […]

SPIRIT: End-of-Life Care Dilemmas: Halakhic Information Every Jew Should Know

SPIRIT: End-of-Life Care Dilemmas: Halakhic Information Every Jew Should Know Is signing a DNR ever allowed? What does Halacha say about withholding or withdrawing treatment? Is artificial feeding always required? Presented by Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody is the Executive Director of Ematai, an organization dedicated to helping Jews navigate their healthcare journey with […]