Daily Dvar
Chapter 3: Messages of Morality Featuring Rabbi Michael Davies
Chapter 3: Messages of Morality Featuring Rabbi Michael Davies
Given every Wednesday at 7:00 PM EST by Rabbi Meyer Friedman. Rabbi Friedman, would travel weekly to NYU, Baruch and Queens College to give Lunch & Learn shiurim to the OU-JLIC students there. The shiur is approximately 45 minutes long.
The Orthodox Union joins Secure Community Network for a live virtual L’Chaim in honor of first responders!
Zoom burnout is real. So why not escape the Zoom? New York NCSY is running an amazing program, based on the nationwide “Escape the Room” phenomenon, where family, friends and anyone who wants to connect are given interactive assignments, clues, and missions to collaborate together to “Escape the Zoom.”
Rules, rules and new rules - Helping yourself and your rule averse child Spouses as co-parents - Evolving the experience Transcending disagreements - Reaching connection Join the conversation between Yael […]