Tefillah Tips

Mizmor LeDovid
When returning the Torah to the Ark we recite Mizmor LeDovid-Psalm 24.  This prayer is also included in our liturgy as the sixth Psalm recited on Friday night prior to the...
Feb 26, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Yehallu Et Shem Hashem
After the Chazzan/Shaliyach Tzibur concludes the Ashrei, he takes hold of the Torah that was just read, clutches it to his right shoulder and chants, “Yehallelu Et Shem Hashem Ki Nisgav...
Feb 26, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
The Talmud in Brachot 4B proclaims, “Anyone who recites the Ashrei, Psalm 145, three times a day is a confirmed future recipient of Olam Habah—eternal reward in the World to Come.”...
Feb 26, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Av Harachamim
After Yekum Purkan, it is customary to recite the tefillah of Av Harachamim (Father of Compassion).  Av Harachamim was written around the year 1096, in response to the First Crusade. Originally...
Feb 26, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Yekum Purkan
Immediately following the blessings recited after the Haftorah, the Shliach Tzibbur (Cantor) ascends the Bimah (Platform) and leads the congregation in Yekum Purkan, “May there be success and salvation…” Yekum Purkan...
Feb 26, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
HaKol Yoducha
Hakol Yoducha The Tefillah we recite after the blessing of Yotzair Ohr Uvoray Choshech on Shabbat morning is Hakol Yoducha-All will thank You. It is an expanded version of the regular...
Feb 26, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Barchu A story is told of a father waking his son up to go to shul on Shabbat morning. To his chagrin the son seems to be in a comatose state...
Feb 26, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Uvimakhalot Rivivot
Uvimakhalot Rivivot After the Chazzan chants “Befi Yesharim Tithallal,”“Through the mouths of the righteous He shall be praised,” the congregation continues with “Uvimakhalot Rivivot Amcha Beit Yisroel,” “In the tens of...
Feb 26, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
HaKel HaGadol
Tefillah Tips Hakel This opening prayer of Shacharit extols the strength, greatness and awesomeness of G-d. It then states that indeed G-d shall be praised, blessed and sanctified by all of...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Yishtabach Yishtabach is the concluding blessing of the Pesukei Dezmira – the Chapters/Verses of Praise that we recite each morning before Shema and the Amidah. The reason the blessing of Yishtabach...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas

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