
High Holiday Music Masterclass
Monday, September 18th @ 8 p.m. Lincoln Square Synagogue Class will include a discussion about the prayers and the music as well as a mini concert presenting the best of the...
Sep 12, 2017
By Hannah Farkas
Pre-Rosh Hashana Musical Discovery Program
Thursday, September 14, 2017, 7pm Featuring Rabbi Dunner Cantor Baram Professor Mark Kligman, Professor of Ethnomusicology and Musicology UCLA Alpert School of Music and Children for the YINBH Youth Department Light...
Sep 12, 2017
By Hannah Farkas
Eating Disorders at School
Eating Disorders at School
How to Spot the Signs & Where to Get Help for College Students
Aug 29, 2017
By Hannah Farkas
Shavuot Tips
Shavuot Tips
How does the performance of Mitzvoth sanctify us?
May 3, 2016
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Chanukah Tips
Chanukah Tips
A special Chanukah tip explores the meaning of Maoz Tzur.
Dec 7, 2015
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Sample Shavuot Schedule
Sample Shavuot Schedule
A great resource for your shul!
May 14, 2015
By Hannah Farkas
Ashrei XXI
Ashrei XXI
“ קרוב ה’ לכל קראיו, לכל אשר יקראהו באמת  – G-d is close to all who call unto Him, to all that call upon Him in truth.” The Ibn Ezra remarks...
May 7, 2015
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Ashrei XX
Ashrei XX
“צדיק ה’ בכל דרכיו וחסיד בכל מעשיו – Hashem is just in all ways and kindly in all deeds.” The Etz Yosef explains that this verse demonstrates that G-d’s interaction with...
Apr 30, 2015
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Tefillah Tips: Ashrei XIX
Tefillah Tips: Ashrei XIX
פותח את ידיך ומשביע לכל חי רצון – Open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
Feb 11, 2015
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
SPIRIT: Rabbi Hanoch Teller — SPIRIT program
SPIRIT: Rabbi Hanoch Teller — SPIRIT program
Rabbi Hanoch Teller June 9, 2014, Torah Perspectives on Retirement  
Jan 28, 2015
By Judi Steinig

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