SPIRIT: Parkinson’s Meeting Pre-Session Questions

13 Aug 2023
Retiree Programs


Parkinson's Support Pre-Session Questions

1. Are you planning to participate in the program on Wednesday evening(Required)
2. In what capacity are you participating?(Required)
3. Would you be willing to be a break-out room moderator (using questions provided by the OU


PLEASE NOTE:  The Parkinson’s Support Group is a component of the Orthodox Union’s SPIRIT (The Stimulating Program Initiative for Retirees That Inspires Thought). Those who choose to participate in a session will be assigned to a breakout room by the Host.  Breakout Room assignments will allow for audio/video/chat interaction among participants.  The Orthodox Union will not provide contact information following the program for any participants.  Participants may provide their own contact information at their own discretion.  The Orthodox Union assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for any comments made during any session or any follow-up interactions. This session will not be recorded.    The information provided by any OU SPIRIT program is for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as advice on any legal/medical/nutritional/mental health/ financial/halachic or other subject matter. You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of the information you learn during a SPIRIT program without seeking legal/medical/nutritional/mental health/financial/Rabbinic or other appropriate professional advice.