Chanukah Tips: Understanding Maoz Tzur
Chanukah Tips As we begin to celebrate Chanukah this week,we will aim to achieve a better understanding of the most well known song of Chanukah-“Maoz Tzur-Rock of Ages”. To identify the...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh
KadoshKadoshKadosh Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Hashem TZevakos Meloh Chol Haaretz Kvodo – Holy, Holy, Holy is the G-d of Hosts that fills the entire world with His honor. This is one of...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Baruch Kevod Hashem Mimkomo
Baruch Kevod Hashem Mimkomo “Vehaofanim Vechayos Hakodesh Biraash Gadol Misnassim…Baruch Kevod Hashem Mimkomo”- “And the Angels, Holy Creatures, with a great and loud tumult /noise recite…Blessed is the honor of Hashem...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Ahavat Olam
Ahavat Olam The second and concluding blessing before the recitation of the Shema is Ahava Rabbah which means, With an abundant Love. Ahava Rabbah expresses our recognition of the overflowing love...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Ahavah Rabbah II
Vahavieynu Leshalom Mearbah Kanfot Haaretz, Vetoliychaynu komimiyut LeartzaynuHe will bring us in peace from the four corners of the earth standing upright to our land. The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 17:7 writes...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Shema Yisrael
Shema Yisrael After the recitation of the two blessings preceding Shema, we prepare to fulfill the Biblical commandment of reciting the Shema each morning. We cover our eyes with our right...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Shema Yisrael II
SHEMA YISRAEL II After the first pasuk, we recite “Baruch Shem Kevod Malchuso Leolam Vaed – Blessed is the Name of His glorious kingdom for all eternity. The simple understanding as...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Vehaya Im Shamoa Tishmeuh
Vehaya Im Shamoa Tishmeuh The second paragraph of Shema originates from Devarim (Deuteronomy) 11:13 and is referred to as Kabbalat Ol Mitzvoth (acceptance of the yoke of mitzvoth). The passage begins,...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Megillah Tip As the children prepare to don their festive costumes this week and the final touches are being made to the Mishloach Manot packages, all of us are waiting with...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
Vayomer The third section of the Shema is Parshat Tzitzit, which originates in Bamidbar 5:37. It begins “Vayomer Hashem el Moshe Laymor Daber el Bnei Yisrael Veamarta Alayhem Veasu Lahem Tzitzit”...
Feb 21, 2013
By Hannah Farkas
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