Torah Blog 174 articles

The Yeshiva in Your Pocket
It’s finally here – the all-new OU Torah app for iPhone! Created by the Digital Media Department at the Orthodox Union, the OU Torah app provides instant access to the
Jul 2, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Your Father’s Mussar?
שְׁמַע בְּנִי מוּסַר אָבִיךָ וְאַל תִּטֹּשׁ תּוֹרַת אִמֶּךָ Listen, my son, to the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the Torah of your mother. – Proverbs 1:8 Last
Jun 17, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Summer’s Coming – Study Parsha!
June is well underway and that means it’s time to review the weekly Torah portion! Okay, it’s always time to review the weekly Torah portion, but it’s especially important in
Jun 5, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Are You Ready?
What did you mean you didn’t know it was due today? Just kidding. It’s not today but it’s coming up fast. What is it? Shavuos, of course! The Sefirah period
May 12, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Just the Facts, Ma’am.
Long-time visitors to the OU web site – by which we mean long, long, LONG long-time visitors – may remember a a feature called Judaism 101. This section predated OU
Apr 14, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Change Your Pesach, Change Your Life
It’s a busy time of year for the Jewish people, with an unrivaled amount of cleaning, shopping and cooking. But Pesach prep doesn’t just mean the physical – we should
Mar 19, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Introducing Mishnah Brurah Yomi!
The Mishnah Brurah is the magnum opus of Rav Yisrael Meir HaKohen Kagan, AKA the Chofetz Chaim (1838-1933). This work is a commentary on the Orach Chaim section of Shulchan
Mar 16, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Shloshim Yom Kodem HaChag
The very first halacha about Pesach in Shulchan Aruch is “We investigate the laws of Passover for thirty days before Passover” (Orach Chaim 229:1). As soon as Purim is over,
Mar 10, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
The Home Stretch
We’re in the final days before Purim and we’ve got some brand-new features on OU Holidays for you. First, OU Senior Managing Director Rabbi Steven Weil brings us Six Themes
Mar 2, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Esther, We Hardly Knew You…
…but now’s our chance to get to know you better! Megillas Esther is one of those Biblical Books we take for granted. Because we read it every year, we think
Feb 18, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

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