Rabbi Steven Weil 271 articles

IPA Mission to DC
As I mentioned last week, I was privileged to serve as Shavuos scholar-in-residence at theYoung Israel of North Beverly Hills, a very warm and gracious community that is currently completing
Jun 16, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Have a Meaningful Shavuos
On behalf of everyone at the OU family, I want to wish you and your extended family a meaningful and wonderful Shavuos. I can’t thank you enough for all your
Jun 7, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Celebrating Yom Yerushalayim and the Zula
On Yom Yerushalayim, the Abrams OU Jerusalem World Center presented a special concert of songs about Jerusalem. The concert was held on the Hebrew University campus on Mt. Scopus and was a benefit for
Jun 7, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
OU Welcomes Josh Pruzansky
We are pleased to welcome Josh Pruzansky, who has joined the OU as NJ Regional Director of Public Policy. In a statement, OU President Dr. Simcha Katz said that “no communal issue…is more
Jun 7, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
The Week at a Glance
I was at the Congregation Keter Torah (“the Roemer shul”) in Teaneck this past Shabbos, where I spoke on the topic of “Judaism’s Greatest Lightning Rod.” The greatest divide in Judaism today can be
Jun 6, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Hayom Shlosha V’arba’im Yom – and counting…
Shavuos is nearly here! OU Holidays is now featuring Shavuos articles, shiurim and recipes. You can see it all here.
Jun 2, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Shylock Redux
For those who have requested a link to “Shylock, Shakespeare and the Jews: Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice,” the program we co-sponsored at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, I am pleased to
Jun 2, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
NCSY and SKA to Berlin
A dozen high school girls from New York NCSY and the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls spent a week with peers at the Lauder Yeshurun Midrasha Berlin. The program was spearheaded by Regional
Jun 2, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
“OU Kosher Coming” Goes to Schools
OU Kosher Coming, a program under the direction of Rabbi Eliyahu Safran that sends kashrus representatives to speak in all types of schools, yeshivas and seminaries, has recently received glowing feedback from
Jun 2, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
OU Kosher Meets with Paris Consistoire:
Earlier this month, OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack and COO Rabbi Moshe Elefant traveled to France to meet with the Paris Consistoire’s highest officials. Formed in 1808 by Napoleon to organize the Jewish communities, the
May 26, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil

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