Rabbi Steven Weil 271 articles

Latest Edition of Behind the Union Symbol
Newly-released is the latest edition of Behind the Union Symbol, the OU’s dynamic and informative magazine on the kosher food industry. This magazine is read and enjoyed by executives of
Dec 15, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
OU Kosher Coming
“OU Kosher Coming” programs coordinated by OU Kosher Vice President of Communications and Marketing Rabbi Eliyahu Safran have been held in a wide variety of schools, yeshivas and institutions during the recent weeks.
Dec 8, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Seven Grant-Winning Proposals
The OU announced recipients of challenge grants for seven projects, with the objective of developing innovative and replicable solutions to address day school affordability. The grants, part of a $150,000
Dec 8, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Let My People Know
OU Kosher will present a webcast entitled “Let My People Know — The OU Poskim Answer Your Questions on ANY Topic,” featuring senior halachic consultants Rav Yisroel Belsky and Rav
Dec 1, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Jewish Leaders Met with Vice President Biden Regarding Jonathan...
OU president Dr. Simcha Katz was among seven Jewish leaders who met with Vice President Joe Biden before Thanksgiving regarding the plight of Jonathan Pollard. Vice President Biden invited the
Dec 1, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
OU Beautiful Child
The Department of Community Services is hosting its 15th annual “OU Beautiful Child”Chanukah drive for hospitalized children. Help bring a smile to the face of a child who is sadly hospitalized on Chanukah!
Dec 1, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
OU’s Annual Executive Directors Conference
At the OU’s annual Executive Directors Conference, held this year in Baltimore, Director of Community Engagement Rabbi Judah Isaacs announced that the OU will award grants of $5,000 each to five synagogues for
Dec 1, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Third annual JUMP Challenge
JUMP is the Jewish Unity Mentoring Program. NCSY recently held its second annual National JUMP Leadership Seminar at the Stamford Plaza Hotel in Connecticut, at which they launched the third annual JUMP Challenge. In
Nov 17, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Yachad’s Marilyn David IVDU High School and Credit Suisse...
The Boys Division of NJCD/Yachad‘s Marilyn David IVDU High School ran an exceptional program with Credit Suisse. Nine students enjoyed dinner and the opportunity to meet with 13 employees from Credit Suisse who volunteered
Nov 17, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil
OU JOb Board November and December Classes
The OU Job Board is also offering classes throughout November and December covering some of the most in-demand skills for today’s job market. These range from such computer skills as Microsoft Excel
Nov 17, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil

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