Rabbi Steven Weil 271 articles

Batya Jacob, Director of NAJSSSCran a sensitivity workshop in...
Batya Jacob, Director of NAJSSSC (The National Association of Jewish Schools Serving Special Children, a division of Yachad) ran a sensitivity workshop in Torah Day School in Atlanta, GA, showing
Jan 30, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
OU Community Weekend in Florida, February 3-5
OU Community Weekend in Florida, coming up on Parshat Beshalach, February 3-5. In this exciting event, nine OU representatives will be presenting at ten synagogues in seven communities. Scholars-in-residence include
Jan 19, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
YouthCon Video Shared by NCSY Alumni
NCSY Alumni has shared a video taken at YouthCon entitled “Spirituality: The Missing Ingredient,” presented by Charlie Harary. You can enjoy it here.
Jan 19, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
There is an Eruv in Omaha
Rabbi Jonathan Gross of the Beth Israel Synagogue, an OU-member shul in Omaha, wrote about his experiences in building the community’s eruv. This project was high on his agenda since
Jan 19, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
OU Certification of Luker Cacao Fino de Aroma Products
CasaLuker of Colombia, manufacturer of fine cocoa, has announced the OU certification of Luker Cacao Fino de Aroma Products and its derivatives. This includes such products as cocoa, cocoa mass,
Jan 19, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Team Yachad Listed on Jerusalem Marathon Website
Team Yachad is listed on the Jerusalem Marathon website as a participating charity. There are already more than 25 runners registered to run with Team Yachad in Jerusalem.  They are
Jan 19, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
MTJ High School Visits the OU
Students from MTJ high school, along with their rebbeim and and their menahel, Rabbi Shaul Katz, visited the OU in the latest Harry H. Beren VISIT OU program. They visited
Jan 19, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
NCSY’s Atlanta JUMP Program
NCSY’s Jewish Unity Mentorship Program (JUMP) is the training ground for tomorrow’s community leaders. The members of the Atlanta JUMP program, led by Rabbi Chaim Neiditch, recently put their leadership
Jan 12, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Anniversary of the Carmel Fire Disaster
Israeli youth in OU’s D’oraita Clubs marked the anniversary of the Carmel fire disaster by learning that putting out fires “is not so simple.” Hundreds of youth from the 18
Jan 12, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
First-Ever Job Fair in North Miami Beach
The OU Job Board announces its first-ever Job Fair in North Miami Beach, to be held on Tuesday, February 7 from 11:00 am-3:00 pm at the Young Israel of Hollywood.
Jan 12, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil

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