OU Press 78 articles

OU Press publishes books of Jewish thought and prayer that educate, inspire, enrich and enlighten.

Reviews Around the Web of The Royal Table
Reviews around the web of Rabbi Norman Lamm’s new haggadah commentary, The Royal Table: R. Lawrence Zierler in The Jewish Standard: link Alan Jay Gerber in The Jewish Star: link
Mar 23, 2010
By Gil Student
Unlocking Sefer Vayikra – Confronting Korbanot
Welcome to a new feature: Questions and answers about the weekly parsha that will open up the text with questions and various approaches. The material is excerpted from Rabbi Shmuel
Mar 17, 2010
By Gil Student
Approaches to Sefer Vayikra
Look here for a brand new feature from OU Press on the weekly Torah portion. Rabbi Shmuel Goldin’s new book Unlocking the Torah Text: An In-Depth Journey Into The Weekly
Mar 16, 2010
By Gil Student
Celebrate the Publication of The Royal Table
Celebrate the publication of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm’s new Haggadah, The Royal Table. Special presentations by Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb and Rabbi Meir Soloveichik on the history and relevance
Mar 3, 2010
By Gil Student
The Koren Mesorat HaRav Siddur
COMING IN FALL 2010: The Koren Mesorat HaRav Siddur with commentary by the seminal scholar and rabbinic leader, “The Rav,” Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik This siddur follows the commentary style
Mar 1, 2010
By Gil Student
The Royal Table: A Passover Haggadah
The Royal Table A Passover Haggadah by Rabbi Norman Lamm edited by Joel B. Wolowelsky Hardcover, 200 pages, Regularly $24.95 / Now $21.21 (15% discount), ISBN 9781602801394 Buy the book
Feb 24, 2010
By Gil Student
The Puzzling Story of the Megillah
The story of Esther tells us in the most lively, realistic fashion, with a tinge of refined yet biting sarcasm, about paradoxical, absurd events, which are both tragic and comical
Feb 17, 2010
By Gil Student
Human Initiative and the Divine Hand
“He shall certainly cure” (Shemot 21:19) — The School of R. Ishmael taught: “He shall certainly cure” From here it is derived that permission was granted to the doctor to
Feb 10, 2010
By Gil Student
The Authentic Word of Torah
In a well-known passage, the Mekhilta relates that the Holy One offered the Torah to the various nations of antiquity, but that all of them rejected it because of specific
Feb 3, 2010
By Gil Student
A Leap of Faith
The first days and last days of Passover are related to each other, but are not identical. Each commemorates a different historic event. The first days of Passover celebrate the
Jan 29, 2010
By Gil Student

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