News 242 articles

Saudi Women Demanding Reforms
Women across Saudi Arabia have become inspired by a teenager who fled the country, seeking asylum in Australia out of fear that she would be killed by her family. The
Jan 14, 2019
By OU Staff
Forged Canadian Kosher Symbol Leads to $19K Fine
A Canadian company has been ordered to pay $19,000 to the Kashruth Council of Canada for using its logo on products that were not certified by the agency. Adee Flour
Jan 14, 2019
By OU Staff
Antwerp Jews Worried About Aftermath of Kosher Slaughter Ban
In 1966, Wim van den Brande’s grandfather opened one of Europe’s largest kosher slaughterhouses in Antwerp, capital of the Belgian region of Flanders. At the end of 2018, the factory was processing
Jan 9, 2019
By OU Staff
Warhol Exhibit Features Brillo with OU
Warhol Exhibit Features Brillo with OU
Andy Warhol’s Brillo boxes, currently on display at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York as part of the “Andy Warhol — From A to B and Back
Jan 9, 2019
By OU Staff
Belgium Bans Shechitah as of January 1, 2019
A ban in Belgium on the Jewish and Muslim manner of slaughter for kosher and halal meat – namely ritual slaughter without stunning – was scheduled to take effect on
Jan 2, 2019
By OU Staff
Steelers Donate $70,000 to Pittsburgh Victims
The Pittsburgh Steelers’ Stronger Than Hate campaign, launched in the wake of the shooting attack that left 11 worshippers in a local synagogue dead, has inspired the city and the
Jan 2, 2019
By OU Staff
In 2018, Jews Targeted More Than All Other NY...
In 2018, more hate crimes in New York targeted Jews than all other groups combined. NYPD figures show that anti-Semitic incidents rose by 22% from last year. Of 352 hate
Jan 2, 2019
By OU Staff
Israel Enlists Religious Young Women to Fight Social Ills...
What Should I Do is an interactive app designed to help autistic children role-play some common scenarios, minimizing the need for frequent doctor appointments and other changes to their routines
Dec 26, 2018
By OU Staff
Allegations of Anti-Semitism Divide the Women’s March
At the original Women’s March in 2017, Jewish women were prominent among the participants. Synagogues and Jewish organizations from Reform to Chabad sent large contingents to the flagship march in
Dec 26, 2018
By OU Staff
74-Year-Old Woman Confronts Anti-Semites on Paris Train
On a Paris train, three men who made a Nazi salute were confronted by a 74-year-old Jewish woman whose father was killed in Auschwitz. The men were participating in France’s “Yellow Jacket”
Dec 26, 2018
By OU Staff

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