News 242 articles

BDS is Anti-Semitic Says Germany
The Boycott, Divest and Sanction campaign against Israel has been deemed anti-Semitic by the Berlin State Office for the Protection of the Constitution. In its annual report for 2017, released last
Sep 5, 2018
By OU Staff
Ancient Torah Scroll Safe After Museum Fire
An ancient Torah once owned by a Brazilian emperor was removed from Brazil’s National Museum in Rio for restoration before a massive fire engulfed the building on Sunday. The 13th-century
Sep 5, 2018
By OU Staff
Ugandan Jews Visit Israel on Birthright
For the first time, young Jews from Uganda recently participated on a Birthright Israel trip, even though Israel does not recognize them as Jewish. Birthright Israel provides free 10-day trips to
Sep 5, 2018
By OU Staff
“Anne & Frank” Bakery to Change Name in Light...
A recently-opened Amsterdam bakery called “Anne & Frank” will change its name following widespread online criticism. The bakery opened earlier this month not far from the Holocaust-era hiding place of Anne
Aug 29, 2018
By OU Staff
Hebrew-Motif Watch Belonging to Jewish Titanic Victim Sold at...
A pocket watch that belonged to Sinai Kantor, a Jewish Russian immigrant who died aboard the Titanic, has been sold at auction for $57,500. The watch features Hebrew letters on its face and
Aug 27, 2018
By OU Staff
Lana Del Rey to Perform in Israel as Planned,...
Earlier this week, singer Lana Del Rey said that she would stick with her decision to perform in Israel despite calls for her to boycott the country. She has now
Aug 22, 2018
By OU Staff
Nazi Concentration Camp Guard Deported to Germany
Jakiw Palij, 95, a former Nazi concentration camp guard, has been deported from the US to Germany. Palij had served as a guard at Trawniki, near Lublin, Poland. He may
Aug 22, 2018
By OU Staff
First Rabbi for Central American Jews Whose Ancestors Fled...
Long-lost Jewish communities in three Central American countries – El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala – will soon have their very first full-time rabbi. The Bnei Anousim, descendants of Jews forced to
Aug 21, 2018
By OU Staff
1942 Letter to Otto Frank to Be Sold
An auction house is selling an unopened letter that was sent to the home of the Frank family while Anne and her family were hiding from the Nazis. The envelope
Aug 17, 2018
By OU Staff
Malaysian PM Defends Right to be anti-Semitic
According to Mahathir Mohamad, prime minister of Malaysia, anti-Semitism is an artificial construct created to silence critics of the Jews. “There is one race that cannot be criticized,” Mohamad told
Aug 17, 2018
By OU Staff

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