ALIT 2021 Class Page 5 Moriah Weiss

Mrs. Moriah Weiss

Demystifying Korbanot: A Glimpse into the Beit Hamikdash

A Textual Study of Topics in Sefer Vayikra

Mondays & Wednesdays @ 11:00 AM EDT

Sources and Recordings

Source sheets and class materials:

Please have the source sheets available for class.

Selections studied in class will be included in the source sheets. If you prefer to read the sources in full, please bring the following sefarim:


Class #1: Wednesday, July 7

Please note that some sources are not translated on the sheets, but Mrs. Moriah Weiss will translate the sources as she teaches.

Demystifying Korbanot Source booklet #1


Class #2 & #3 : Monday, July 12 & Wednesday, July 14

For Monday, July 12, please bring both source booklets.

Demystifying Korbanot Source booklet #2



A Password has been sent to course registrants in a separate email.

Please note these links will expire on Tuesday, August 31.

Class #1: Wednesday, July 7

Below is an audio summary from Mrs. Weiss sharing key ideas that she developed during the first class.  Unfortunately there was a glitch with the recording and we do not have a workable video recording.  We are grateful to Mrs. Weiss for providing this summary of her introduction to korbanot and the themes she discussed in class.


Class #2: Monday, July 12

Click here to view recording


Class #3: Wednesday, July 14

Click here to view recording

Please note that these recordings are for your use only as a registrant of this ALIT course. Please do not share any part of this recording or play it for others not enrolled in the course or use it for any purpose other than learning as part of the ALIT program.  You are not permitted to save or reproduce any part of this recording.